Academic non-fiction books
Sustainable Space Tourism – An Introduction
Author: Annette Toivonen
Channel View Publications UK
Published in 2020
This book explores the relationship between space tourism and the discourse in futures research and sustainable tourism. It offers comprehensive information on the current understanding of space tourism and assesses the possible impacts of space tourism on the environment, economics, legislation and society.
The book aims to encourage more dialogue and critical examinations of aspects of space tourism related to future sustainability. From data gathered from empirical research, it provides a vision for the future of sustainable tourism. It will be of interest to students and researchers in tourism, sustainability and futures studies, as well as individual space tourist “hopefuls”, space tourism industry operators and tourism policy regulators.
Book review – Sustainable Space Tourism: An Introduction | Emerald Insight
Sustainable Space Tourism - Annette Toivonen - nidottu(9781845418014) | Adlibris kirjakauppa
Science Fiction, Disruption and Tourism (The Future of Tourism)
This book examines science fiction’s theoretical and ontological backgrounds and how science fiction applies to the future of tourism. It recreates and invents the future of tourism in a creative and disruptive manner, reconceptualising tourism through alternative and quantum leap thinking that go beyond the normative or accepted view of tourism. The chapters, focusing on areas such as disruption, sustainability and technology, draw readers into the unknown future of tourism – a future that may be disruptive, dystopian or utopian. The book brings a new theoretical paradigm to the study of tourism in a post COVID-19 world and can be used to explore, frame and even form the future of tourism. It will capture the imagination and inspire readers to address tourism’s challenges of tomorrow.
Book Review:
(PDF) Book review of 'Science Fiction, Disruption and Tourism' (
Forthcoming books 2025:
Sustainable Luxury in Tourism and Hospitality: Contemporary Principles and Evolving Practices
​New Space tourism and the Luxury Experience Economy
UK: Channel View Publications
Tourism in a Changing World:
​Examining the Concept of Luxury in the Context of New Space Tourism
DI Tourismusforschung studies series.
Germany: Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. KG