Expert interview on New Space tourism for Frankfurter Allgemeine (Germany)
BBC Science Focus expert interview on New Space tourism
Expert interview on space tourism for Kurier newspaper (Austria)
Tähdet ja avaruus tiedelehtihaastattelu (x2) - expert interviews (x2) for the leading astronomy journal in Scandinavia :
Expert interview on New Space tourism - published in 20+ regional newspapers in Finland
New Space tourism lecture - video (45min)
New Space tourism and sustainability - New Space industry conference key note speaker - video
Time travelling to year 2050
MTV3 - Huomenta Suomi asiantuntijahaastattelu (Finnish national TV interview on space tourism)
YLE - Tämäkin on totta tiedesarja. Lippu Marsiin, kiitos! (YLE TV science serie: my own space tourism episode)
Future considerations in managing climate change
Suomi rohkeasti kohti avaruusturismin uusia mahdollisuuksia
The environmental cost of New Space tourism
2020 – Kaupallisen avaruusmatkailun vuosikymmen?